Two YouTubers Were Arrested for Having a Sleepover at Target

A couple in Pennsylvania was arrested after spending the night inside a Target.  They did it intentionally . . . not to steal anything . . . but because they’re “entertainers” and wanted content for their YouTube channel.

25-year-old Johnson Larose and 24-year-old Charlotte Fischer . . . known on YouTube as “Saucy and Honey” . . . pulled the stunt last month.

They went into the store just before closing, and hid behind some boxes on a shelf, where they made a “fort.”  They even brought their own water and snacks.

They filmed a bunch of video footage of themselves wandering around the Target overnight . . . and repeatedly claimed that they were staying until the store opened at 8:00 A.M.  They even showed the times on their phones every hour or so.

But the police have surveillance footage of them leaving the store through an emergency exit at 2:56 A.M.  They tripped the alarm when they left.  The cops say they returned when the store opened and filmed more stuff . . . pretending like they were coming out of their hiding spot to leave.

For what it’s worth, Saucy and Honey deny they left or were arrested on their YouTube page, and say, “Don’t believe everything you see on the news.”  They were charged with criminal trespassing and conspiracy, and will be back in court next week. 

Watch the video (warning NSFW language!!)


The Bossier Night Market returns this Saturday to the Shreveport Area!

The Bossier Night Market returns this Saturday to the Shreveport Area!

Louisiana’s First & Only Night Market Is back – The Bossier Night Market! 200+ Vendors and 13 Food Trucks to shop from, with over 75,000+ Twinkling Lights in an open air, outdoor environment. Free Admission and Free Parking AND The Largest Outdoor Vendor Event in the UNITED STATES! FIREWORKS at 9PM! Market Goods, 13 FOOD…