Today Is National Eat Your Vegetables Day . . . and People Say Their Pets Don’t Eat Enough Veggies?

Today is National Eat Your Vegetables Day . . . and we’re not just talking about kids.  One way to celebrate is to heed doctors’ advice, and challenge YOURSELF to eat a full FIVE servings of veggies today.

Have a veggie scramble for breakfast . . . a salad for lunch . . . and roasted vegetables for dinner.  And for dessert, devour a piece of carrot cake.  It counts!

And if you’re dishing out the veggies today, don’t forget about . . . your PET.  In a bizarre new survey, one-third of pet owners say they’re concerned that their DOGS don’t get enough vegetables.  (???)

A pet dietician says it’s okay to give your dogs fruits and vegetables . . . in small amounts . . . just avoid giving them onions, garlic, grapes, raisins, chocolate, alcohol, and anything that’s been cooked with a lot of oil, butter, salt, and sugars.

But before you spend too much time making a delicious garden salad for Fido . . . just know that there’s a 0.01% chance he’s going to eat it. 


The Bossier Night Market returns this Saturday to the Shreveport Area!

The Bossier Night Market returns this Saturday to the Shreveport Area!

Louisiana’s First & Only Night Market Is back – The Bossier Night Market! 200+ Vendors and 13 Food Trucks to shop from, with over 75,000+ Twinkling Lights in an open air, outdoor environment. Free Admission and Free Parking AND The Largest Outdoor Vendor Event in the UNITED STATES! FIREWORKS at 9PM! Market Goods, 13 FOOD…