Dating is tough, and some say dating in the Shreveport area is like double tough, but, the cool part about online dating is you can see someone’s profile BEFORE meeting them. The bad part is that many people LIE on those profiles, even if they’re LITTLE, misleading fibs… and it turns out, in Shreveport there are quite a few that are lying on the dating apps.

In a new survey, 47% of people admitted to having intentionally “stretched the truth” . . . and it’s more common among men (51%) than women (44%).
Interestingly enough, the most common thing people lie about is their “current hairstyle.” 61% of people have done that. This is probably having an outdated or misleading photo. Not someone denying that they have a man-bun.
For men, that could be hiding their baldness or a receding hairline . . . and for women, that may be how their hair is dyed, using a photo from a fancy event like a wedding.
The second-most common lie is about their CAREER.
Read more from Study Finds.