Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards Honors Remarkable Shreveport Woman

 A remarkable Shreveport woman was recognized by Governor John Bel Edwards, in a contest organized by our news partners at KTAL NBC 6.

Lynn Stevens is the director of workforce development for Goodwill industries and is being honored at the Gold Awards Ceremony. The awards pay tribute to the achievements and dedication of individuals in the disability community.

KTAL NBC 6 is reporting that Stevens has been selected as this year’s Patsy Barrett Memorial Award winner for her outstanding leadership as a disability advocate.

“It’s very special to be recognized for something you love to do advocating for change for people with disabilities is an amazing opportunity you know to be picked out to be one of very few in the state, to get the honor to go and meet with the governor and have him present the awards is even more special,” Stevens said.


The Bossier Night Market returns this Saturday to the Shreveport Area!

The Bossier Night Market returns this Saturday to the Shreveport Area!

Louisiana’s First & Only Night Market Is back – The Bossier Night Market! 200+ Vendors and 13 Food Trucks to shop from, with over 75,000+ Twinkling Lights in an open air, outdoor environment. Free Admission and Free Parking AND The Largest Outdoor Vendor Event in the UNITED STATES! FIREWORKS at 9PM! Market Goods, 13 FOOD…