If you think about all the stuff we lug around from family home to family home . . . a good chunk of it is OLD CHILDHOOD TOYS.

A new poll found that the average adult in Shreveport keeps 20 toys from their childhood.
65% of people say they kept toys to pass them down to their children or grandchildren. 57% say they kept them because they’re sentimental. And 59% say they’re probably better than anything you could buy today.
The #1 toy people have kept in the ArkLaTex are: Barbie dolls. LEGOs are next, followed by Hot Wheels . . . G.I. Joes . . . Suzy Homemaker appliances . . . Fisher-Price telephones . . . Lite-Brites . . . Slinkys . . . Rubik’s Cubes . . . and Nerf balls.
Other toys mentioned include: My Little Pony . . . Etch-A-Sketch . . . gaming systems like Game Boy, Nintendo, and SEGA . . . and “toys” like Beanie Babies and Trolls, which some people initially bought as “investments.”