At least until we enter “Phase 4”, acording to LHSAA. Click Here To Read More!… MORE

At least until we enter “Phase 4”, acording to LHSAA. Click Here To Read More!… MORE
The superintendent of Caddo schools announced that the district will delay reopening by two weeks at a news conference Monday morning. Dr. Lamar Goree cited the latest surge in coronavirus cases and the need for more time to prepare in announcing the new August 24 start date. Goree noted that a survey found that 20…… MORE
McDonald’s is celebrating with National French Fry Day today with FREE World Famous Fries. McDonald’s is offering a free medium fry, exclusively available through the McDonald’s app. Once you download the app, you can access the deal one of two ways. Use the Mobile Order and Pay function or scan the available QR code at the…… MORE
[vemba-video id=”us/2020/07/13/kelly-preston-death-breast-cancer-john-travolta-ldn-vpx.cnn”]… MORE
Governor Edwards announced the following mask mandate and changes to Phase 2 that Louisiana will remain in. According to KTBS: Gov. Edwards says that the current order in place in the state is being modified. As part of the order, Louisiana will stay in phase two until July 24. On Monday July 13, changes will…… MORE
KTBS is reporting that a Caddo District Court judge has temporarily stopped Mayor Perkins face mask mandate. According to KTBS-TV: The court order stops Perkins from enforcing the order, conducting any searches or taking action against businesses. Perkins has until 5 p.m. July 16 to respond. The plaintiffs are given until 5 p.m. July 17…… MORE
This is the security camera footage from the Lake Piru boat launch when Naya Rivera and her son rented a pontoon boat on Lake Piru. — Ventura Co. Sheriff (@VENTURASHERIFF) July 10, 2020 About :55 seconds in, you see her pull up in a black SUV and get out with her son. [vemba-video id=”entertainment/2020/07/09/naya-rivera-television-career-orig-vstop-bdk.cnn”]… MORE
Naya Rivera is presumed dead after going missing in Lake Piru. Her 4-year old son was found alive alone on a boat they rented and he was wearing a live vest, while she reportedly was not. Nothing has been officially confirmed yet but we send our thoughts and prayers. 💔 — Pop Base (@PopBase)…… MORE
There’s a new grocery store in town and they already have customers lining up to shop, shop, and shop.
Louisiana’s First & Only Night Market Is back – The Bossier Night Market! 200+ Vendors and 13 Food Trucks to shop from, with over 75,000+ Twinkling Lights in an open air, outdoor environment. Free Admission and Free Parking AND The Largest Outdoor Vendor Event in the UNITED STATES! FIREWORKS at 9PM! Market Goods, 13 FOOD…
The weight loss and nutrition company Jenny Craig has reportedly told employees that they’re shutting down operations. All locations will close . . . and more than 1,000 employees will be laid off. Jenny Craig was being shopped to investors for a while . . . either as a sale or to secure additional financing. …
A new restaurant opens today in Shreveport featuring Filipino cuisine.